Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bill and Nancy

Joan's kids Harvey named Bill and Nancy. These two are very shy compared to the little ones that were just born. Bill is the shyest of them all. I still have to edit video of the two little rascals. As soon as I get that edited, I will post it
Nancy chews on everything. She's only a week old today, but she tries to eat Alfalfa, my jeans, and my thumb. Her little teeth don't hurt like that of a puppy.

Bill took a little while longer to come check me out. I can't tell you how long I stood in the cold stall waiting for the bugger to come up to me. When he did, he'd ram my leg with this head, or paw at my boot.

As you can see in the picture below. Nancy has to see what momma is doing.

When we first entered the barn, I cought this picture of momma Joan.

New Kids on the Block

Lady finally had her little ones on Sunday 3-28, weighing in at approximately 8 pounds. Harvey was home alone when they showed up. He and Mom haven't named them yet.

The little girl is the one with the brown face, and is a little on the shy side.

The little boy is a lot more spunky, and not a bit shy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Leg

I get to the airport 2 hours early, and Southwest Airlines doesn’t have info about my flight info. I find one of the desk, that isn’t helping customers, and ask what gate my flight is to be. She gave me my gate, but it was like I was interrupting her.
I watched episodes Daria for 90 minutes, and then got up to use the bathroom. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before we were boarded, I made the mistake of people watching. A man with 3 kids comes over and sits next tome. He yells out to a woman walking in a crowd. She hands the eldest child a package of Q-Tips. All three kids proceed to use them to clean out their ears! Have these people heard of a bathroom?
Shortly after that, some woman walks by dragging her possessions in a big plastic bag. I felt like I was in a Greyhound Bus station.
I was first in line for the first time in my life. I wish I hadn’t. A little boy flying to Denver alone, was leaving his father behind. It was heart breaking to watch the little guy say good-bye to his father.
We took off 20 minutes late. Thank goodness the I paid the extra $25 to fly business class. I was able to get an isles seat in row 4. As I got exiting the gate, I looked to my right, and in big red letters, I read, “Seattle”. I also heard the woman call for boarding A15-A30. Talk about a close one.
Spent most of the flight reading Tim Dorsey’s Gator A-Go-Go, a book about spring break in Florida.
I always get turned around once I get off a plane. This time I took the elevator to the 2nd floor. I asked the lady from Alamo how I get to the shuttles. She replied, “go to the 3rd floor.“ I told her I was being a bit spacey. She replied with a smile, “that happens all the time.”
It’s odd. This time I noticed that the people associated with the Tampa to Denver flight weren’t very friendly. The Denver to Seattle all the way around, was a much more pleasant group. Even the person at the gate would smile.

Sorry no pictures. The windows are filthy. My view is of Seattle’s new rail system, and the control tower at Sea-Tac.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lady is a Grandma

Mom knew not to leave home yesterday. She said all the goats were acting like something was about to happen. Something did happen. Joan decided to give birth. First came the little girl. Mom came out of the house to find this little one born, and Joan cleaning her up.

Then came the little guy. He had to be a brute. He came into this world butt and back legs first. Mom only snapped one picture of his birth, but didn't send it to me. She thought it might offend one of the recipients on the email.

Hard to believe Joan is a mother. It was just last year I published photos of her and her brother George.

One doe and set of kids down and four more to go. Lady is supposed to be next, and then the other three does will be ready to give birth in April.