Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update on The Kids

OK you little goat fans.

Little George seams to be asking why. "Why did they have to put bands around my billy goat hood?" Yes he will only be a pet. There will be no kids for him in the future.

I just love the expressions on their little faces.

Little Jo is trying to be like her momma.

I wish they weren't 3300 miles away. But then again, I'm glad I'm not up there. I just got off the phone with Mom and there rain mixed with snow. It may be over cast her in Florida, but at least I have the back door open.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

George and Little Jo

Harvey is a little like Linda. Mom says one of the steers was named George (the steer is now in the freezer. Don't worry these goats are milking goats.) Anyways, like Linda he reuses names. That's how the little guy got the name of George.

These pictures were taken in the outside stall. Mom can't get George and Little Jo (Mom named the female after Linda's Mom Joan, since she was born on Joan's birthday) to stay still when they are in the pasture. She says all she gets is butt shots. They are too busy exploring to pose for her.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Faces Plus a Butt Shot

Mom sent me more pictures taken yesterday. I don't know which one is the female and which is the male. Mom and Harvey are still working on names